Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7/29/08 Session

The theme for the 7/29 session is captions and their uses. A lot of students tend to ignore captions, so this will hopefully get the kids to fill them in. As with 7/28, there are two sessions, A and B: one with 9-12 and one with 7-8.

Session A templates used:

And Shine Heaven Now
Chugworth Academy
Coffee Achievers
Demonology 101
Diesel Sweeties
Dreamland Chronicles
Freshman 15
Ghost Hunters
Hate Song
Lil' Formers
Lil' Mell
Lovarian Adventures
Mac Hall
Okashina Okashi
Phineus, Magician for Hire
Piled Higher and Deeper
Planet Karen
Punks and Nerds
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Scary Go Round
Something Like Life
Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki
Templar AZ
Tsunami Channel
Venus Envy
World of Orenda
You'll Have That

This will be the first use of Phineus in a session.

Session B templates used:

8-Bit Theater
And Shine Heaven Now
Coffee Achievers
College Roomies From Hell
Dreamland Chronicles
Freshman 15
Ghost Hunters
Lil' Formers
Mac Hall
No Pink Ponies
Nothing Nice to Say
Okashina Okashi
Planet Karen
Questionable Content
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Tsunami Channel
You'll Have That

One problem I ran into in the 7/28 session was the warm-up taking too long, so I've shortened it for both groups to help this problem. Pictures and video will be posted.

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